• Virginia Barnett VIP Happy New Year. Hope all is good with you and the weather. I sent a text because at the time I could not get into Happy email. I am not sure what happened or did I do something. 1. Logging into my laptop, I have to manually get into the internet. Not sure how that happened. 2. Either when I log in or during my going thru email, emails stop loading and it says "Untitled". If I hold the curser over that info, it says crashed. Just to do email, I have to go out and in again, 3 or 4 times, then I get frustrated and log out. Help! Thank you so much. Ginny
    Jan 4

  • Berta Lopez VIP Thank you Gary!
    September 19, 2022

  • Irma Kump VIP Gary HELP
    March 7, 2019

  • Debra Teeuwen VIP I was kinda wondering when you asked about Debbie but then I thought it must be a old post that poped up .Robbie,s year has been pretty rough because it,s just ALWAYS humid these days . your right we need to go SOMEWHERE LOL
    December 22, 2018