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If you use sites that still use adobe flash ask them to STOP!

Adobe Issues Patch for Actively Exploited Flash Player Zero-Day Exploit
If you have already uninstalled Flash player, well done! But if you haven't, here's another great reason for ditching it.
Adobe has released a security patch update for a critical vulnerability in its Flash Player software that is actively being exploited in the wild by hackers in targeted attacks against Windows users.
Independently discovered last week by several security firms—including ICEBRG, Qihoo 360 and Tencent—the Adobe Flash player zero-day attacks have primarily been targeting users in the Middle East using a specially crafted Excel spreadsheet.
"The hackers carefully constructed an Office document that remotely loaded Flash vulnerability. When the document was opened, all the exploit code and malicious payload were delivered through remote servers," Qihoo 360 published vulnerability analysis in a blog post.

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