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  • Cheating is it needed?

    Posted by beast-usa (Admin) February 28, 2016 - Category: Computers 2,735 views - 0 comments - 1 like
    I was in a disagreement with someone and they told me EVERYONE cheats in online gaming. I said, "Well, there are cheaters and those are the losers in life." :) Then he asked, "So, you've never cheated and you wouldn't cheat to make it even?" My reply, :) "I will never be a loser cheat and if you need to cheat to win or even play, maybe you shouldn't play online games." I think many of the cheaters are just bad players that get beat all the time, then think the people beating them are cheating! I've got good news and bad news :) NOT ALL THINGS ARE EQUAL - NOT EVERYBODY IS A WINNER! Then he said, "Well, do you like never winning?" LOL I said, "I win lots of times and I lose lots of times but when someone beats me, I don't think they cheated. I just try to play better!" :) There is no excuse to ever be a low life cheater. Cheaters cheat themselves and everyone that just wants to play. Maybe if more parents taught their kids always do your best, try to be the best at what you do, don't give up when someone is better at something than you, TRY AGAIN! We wouldn't have so many cheaters in online gaming and they wouldn't justify it with "EVERYONE CHEATS - SO I D,O TOO"!

    Here are some of my NON-CHEATER wins. :) So, yes, you can win WITHOUT CHEATING!


    Battlefield 4


    Call of Duty Ghosts

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

    Black Ops 3

    Black Ops 2

    Do I always win? NO, but I don't think EVERYONE that beats me is CHEATING!


    Call of Duty Black Ops 3

    So, yes, there are cheaters in online gaming. Yes, all the Call of Duty games have them. Most online games have the loser cheaters.
    But does that mean you can NEVER win? NO!
    Does that mean you need to be a LOSER low life cheater to win? NO!
    Do I wish that the Call of Duty would spend part of the $1,000,000,000+ in earnings on stopping the cheaters? YES!

    Bottom line, play because you like the game, play because you want to play and stop worrying about the stupid cheaters.
    They are the worse, no-skill gamers and one day, when they really put a stop to the cheating, YOU WILL OWN THEM!

    Thank you for reading. :)