Photo 591 of 902 in Wall Photos

I have to agree to disagree.. My parents were very hard on me if I messed up. To dishes on the bed if not done.. To clothes in the trash if not picked up. And doors took an off the hinges if room was drity or slamming doors. If lights where left on the light bulbs taken out... One time my step mom came into my class took my brand name shoes and gave me trash shoes to wear do to I ditched school. But still I was a wild child mouthy and disrespectful runner away .. I was a brat!!! We get to that age where we think for are selfs and go are own ways my parents never beat me gave me everything I wanted and I still was brat and discipline me.. We do what we want at times so it gose both ways it always dose not work even if you put down rules . just saying


  • beastusa and Spinny-VIP like this
  • beastusa LOL Don't you mean your parent your mum was a push over!
    I'm laughing remembering the look on your face when I removed your doors! LOLOL
  • Spinny-VIP as a professional in education i must say its so sad but true - poor kids it are today even they all have 3 cellphones and designer clothes - but unfortunatly a tv or other tech -but noone to read at night when bedtime in a good book stories to them...  more
  • LindseyBStrickland Now i don't push mom she rules the nest lol .. Agree with spinny.. That is the high % .. Of the problem