Photo 1.3K of 1536 in Wall Photos

OMG look how CHEAP the i9-10980XE 18 cores = 36 CPU's is $979!!! That's less then half of what I paid for my i7-6950XE 10 core = 20 CPU's "$2,200"!
And it's the FASTEST CPU MADE! Yeah when I get it I won't be running it at 3 GHZ with ONE CORE ON TURBO! It will boot the first time a 4 GHZ and all 18 core will be synced & turbo enabled on all! Then we can see some TRUE benchmarks!AGAIN OMG UNDER $1,000!


1 comment
  • beastusa Oh yeah it only has PCI-E 3.0so M.2 drives on PCI-E 4.0 would be faster. LOL But four SSD's in Raid 0 will still be the FASTEST. Even on PCI-E 2.0! LOL PCI-E 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0 won't make any difference to me until they start making a STABLE raid 0 for m.2...  more