Photo 436 of 633 in Wall Photos


  • beastusa likes this
  • Spinny-VIP FBI Special Agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger, who died in a shootout Tuesday, devoted their careers to investigating crimes against children. They were known for their efforts in the field, curbing child abuse with their investigatory work...  more
  • beastusa Let me see if I see a pattern?
    Investigate the Clinton's and they die.
    Investigate the Obama's and they die.
    Investigate the Biden's and they die.
    Nope I don't see any pattern there.
  • Spinny-VIP no question something seems fishy - Aldins funeral vvas honored and pushed through the media -that my stomach said -oh vvait -vvhat is behind this ? the most scared dogs hovvl the loudest ---------------
  • Spinny-VIP it vvere both young people vvho seems to had a happy life in order -sad to see such