Basic Network Wiring

    • 239 posts
    January 3, 2023 1:28 PM PST
    Here is a basic wiring diagram that should work for 99% of most home or small businesses.

    Any questions as always just ask.
  • January 9, 2023 10:07 AM PST
    Thank you Gary for the time and patience

    Hey I was wondering if you have had time to give Anthony Mota access again. He needs is own Server & Desktop credentials. I have a new employee and she is the one that will be using TUSER until her 3 month probation is over. Also I need you to please make LS18 for Rodrigo. Carlos Monroy is no longer with us and Rodrigo is taking over his computer. 

    And last but not least, i am not sure if this is done already, but just incase, please restrict access to Directors Drive for everyone else. Only Susy, Rodrigo, Came and I are suppose to have access to it. Thank you Gary, hope you have a wonderful day!!