July 9, 2018 11:58 AM PDT
New AMD/ATI Optional (BETA) Video Driver Released June 17 2019 version 19.6.2 64 bit Windows.
New AMD/ATI Recomended Video Driver Released June 03 2019 version 19.5.2 64 bit Windows.
Please remember you can check my beast-usa site anytime. Most new drivers or software release
just after midnight. I normally have the updates on
https://beast-usa.com within a couple hours.
But it can take me a few days to link them over here because I like to test them first.

If you're have problems finding the right drivers just ask, I will find them for you.

You can find tons of the latest and very old drivers for older un-supported video cards.
Over here on
https://beast-usa.com Top menu, mouse over
"Downloads" The name of the file tells you what OS they work on. All are free - NO RE-DIRECTS,
NO ADS, NO TRACKING, NO SIGN UP, just downloads.
All these drivers should support RX 4xx, RX 5xx, Vega
Windows 10AMD/ATI 19.6.2 OPTIONAL 64 bit driver for Windows 10 ONLY 64 bit.
Click the link below to download from
beast-usa.comhttps://beast-usa.com/downloads/ati/win10/win10-x64/win10-64bit-radeon-adrenalin-2019-edition-opt-19.6.2-june17.exeAMD/ATI 19.5.2 RECOMENDED 64 bit driver for Windows 10 ONLY 64 bit.
Click the link below to download from
beast-usa.comhttps://beast-usa.com/downloads/ati/win10/win10-x64/win10-64bit-radeon-adrenalin-2019-edition-19.5.2-june-3-2019.exeAMD/ATI 32 bit driver for Windows 10.
Click the link below to download from
beast-usa.comN/A Most people and sites are dropping support for the very OLD 32 bit.
Windows 7, 8 & 8.1:AMD/ATI 19.6.2 OPTIONAL 64 bit driver for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 64 bit.
Click the link below to download from
beast-usa.comhttps://beast-usa.com/downloads/ati/win7/win7-x64/win7-64bit-radeon-adrenalin-2019-edition-opt-19.6.2-june17.exeAMD/ATI 19.5.2 RECOMENDED 64 bit driver for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 64 bit.
Click the link below to download from
beast-usa.comhttps://beast-usa.com/downloads/ati/win7/win7-x64/win7-64bit-radeon-adrenalin-2019-edition-19.5.2-june3.exeAMD/ATI 32 bit driver for Windows 7, 8, 8.1.
Click the link below to download from
beast-usa.comN/A Most people and sites are dropping support for the very OLD 32 bit.
If I don't have the most recent drivers listed here you can always check my other site. Or if you need older drivers.
Top menu "Downloads" "AMD - ATI Video Drivers"
This post was edited by beastusa
at June 24, 2019 5:20 PM PDT