October 18, 2018 7:04 PM PDT
These commands are about the same in Windows 8, 8.1 & 10.
The only difference the Win key in 8 and 8.1 take you to the start screen.
The same Windows Key + Letter commands that worked in Windows 8 and 8.1 work in Windows 10
WINDOW Key Commands WIN = Windows Key (between Ctrl & Alt keys)
WIN = Windows Start MenuWIN+C = Side bar & time & dateWIN+D = Switching desktops, start screen, desktopWIN+F = Opens file searchWIN+H = Share from your desktopWIN+I = Computer settings, fast access to shutdown or sleepWIN+L = Instant to Windows 10 lock screenWIN+P = Screen setting for multiple screensWIN+Q = Brings up Windows 10 app's and app searchWIN+R = Windows 10 run command (also under WIN+X)WIN+U = Windows 10 Ease of AccessWIN+W = Windows 10 SettingsWIN+X = Bottom left list of programs
This post was edited by beastusa
at January 25, 2019 3:09 AM PST