CoronaVirus - Covid-19

    • 239 posts
    March 24, 2020 12:27 AM PDT
    There is so much news out there on this. So many people freaking out then just as many being DUMB ASSES! This is real people pull your heads out and stop doing stupid things that will make it worse!

    It will spread, the government will take advantage of your FEAR, many more will die. But we can at least slow that down by just using our brains.

    The best first lines of any story I have seen so far. Not because they are scary but because it gives you perspective on how fast it can spread.
    "It took 67 days from the first reported of Covid-19 to reach 100,000 cases, 11 days for the second 100,000, and just four days for the third 100,000."

    Are they being honest on death rates? I say HELL NO I mean look at some countries 81,000+ infected 3,200 dead? YEAH BS!
    Then the second biggest BS'er the US 41,445 infected and 497 dead? What do you think the US & China have super powers and no one dies? The US & China are super powers but don't have any special powers to prevent death they just fudge the numbers by A LOT.

    Here are a few graphics from the BBC & John Hopkins to give you even more perspective.
    Look at the US on March 1st February 21 we weren't even on the list!

    March 7th

    March 14th 2,300 jump in confirmed cases in 7 days.

    March 21st 22,727 jump in confirmed cases in 7 days.

    March 23rd 15,995 jump in confirmed cases in ONLY 2 days later.
    We will pass Italy in a couple more days and they are doing everything they can to slow it down.
    And we have our heads in the sand saying it's not true?

    Bottom line just don't be stupid. This is killing thousands of people, it is no where near the hump it's just getting started. It will get much worse before it gets better so be a good person and do the right thing or be a horrible person help kill millions.

    Some really stupid things I see & hear.
    "The flu kills lots of people" that is true so many sicknesses kill thousands of people each year. But NOT ONE VIRUS out there infects people as quickly as this one does. If the flu infected people at this rate it would kill millions each year. And 20 to 30% of the worlds population is immune to the flu. So far NO ONE IS IMMUNE TO THIS if you're exposed you will get it. It may not kill you but how would you feel about killing someone else just because you couldn't or wouldn't follow a few safety tips? I really hope most people wouldn't want to kill anyone? 

    People standing in line with ten thousand people (half of which are probably infected) to get that last roll of toilet paper. REALLY? So you are willing to be killed and kill for dam toilet paper?

    People emptying everything on the shelves at every market? Do you think you got enough to last forever? The only thing you did is make it WORSE and cause more fear and panic! Get enough to last a couple weeks you know like twice your normal shopping not ONE HUNDRED TIMES MORE! Leave some for everyone else trust me it takes a very long time to STARVE TO DEATH.

    Do what you can to protect those most in danger this is not a joke do some reading, find the truth.

    • 239 posts
    March 26, 2020 8:09 AM PDT
    March 26rd (7AM) 27,674 jump in confirmed cases 3 days later.
    Well we should be in 2nd place in the world somtime today.

    But if we work really hard at not using are brains, doing stupud things, keep infecting people... I know
    we can pass China and be the NUMBER ONE infected country in the world!

    Think about how sad that is China with 3,000,000,000+ people has 81,782 infected.
    America with 355,000,000+ (WE HAVE MILLIONS & CHINA HAS BILLIONS) we have 69,092 infected.
    Only 11,000 behind (THIS MORNING) a country with 3+ BILLION people over TEN TIMES America's population!

    So I wonder when the not so smart people we believe YES this is really happening stop being STUPID!
    • 239 posts
    April 3, 2020 7:14 AM PDT
    I knew we could do it!
    More twice as many infected then any other coutry in the world!
    More (reported) deaths then any other country in the world! 6,040+ deaths just over 1,000 per day now.
    China's real deaths should be around 40,000 but I know America can beat that if we work hard enough at being DUMB ASSES!

    And we are not slowing down even a little because we have some super smart people out there telling people there is nothing to worrying about!
    Drink warm water.
    Go out in the sun.
    Go out in the cold.
    All these great things THAT DO NOT WORK! What works STAY AWAY FROM OTHER PEOPLE!!!