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The Geek's Corner - Linux, Mac, Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Help. » Discussions » Console Games - Internet Browsers Who is #1?

  • Posted March 11, 2013
    Your gaming console is going to need to be HTML5 friendly.
    If you are using your gaming console to surf the internet, watch videos,
    stream TV or movies, play music, watch youtube?

    Tech moves so quickly forward, what was king of the hill six months ago, you
    give to your 5 year old as a toy today. There is no way to every stop that,
    but you can save some regrets. When you upgrade, purchase for the first time,
    add new stuff to you gaming room. Make sure you have the best of the best that
    day! Do some research, see if something new is around the corner.

    Based on HTML5 compatibility & speed.
    #1 Nintendo Wii U
    #2 Sony Playstation Vita
    #3 Xbox 360

    Full Tests - http://html5test.com/compare/browser/nintendowiiu/sonyvita20/xbox360.html

    #4 Nintendo Wii (opera)
    #5 Sony Playstation 3
    #6 Sony Playstation Vita (netfront)

    Full Tests - http://html5test.com/compare/browser/nintendowii/sonyplaystation3/sonyvita.html