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The Geek's Corner - Linux, Mac, Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Help. » Discussions » Rip, Make, Recode - Movies, Music, Videos

  • Posted November 13, 2012

    I have lots of people ask me how to rip movies, music & videos.

    So I will try to list a few good pieces of software here :)

    I like Nero best over all, let me re-write that Nero 10. In Nero 11 recode you lose most of the stuff that is really good in 10. And Nero 12 is even worse! I own all three talk about buyers remorse. Had Nero 10, I use Nero Recode 95% of the time. But it has it's short comings, setting or settings everytime on every video! such a pain! But file size and video can't be matched :) So for the #1 full featured, small HD rips Nero 10 wins hands down.

    For a good all-around inexpensive movie converter that convert to any format I would say “Magic Video Converter” http://magic-video-converter.com/ Only $19.95 and it can convert anything. Magic Video Converter can also pull music out of any video. Downloads from youtube, any video you have if you want the sound or music from the video. This is the one to use! :)