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Gaming - Computers - Consoles » Discussions » Defiance yep just like the TV show.

  • Posted June 2, 2013
    This is a pretty fun game :)

    I little strange because it is 3rd person. But ton's & tons of things to do and shoot LOL

    LOL "First thing I do is shoot her in the face" Jim, you know you did to!

    People on Happy that I know are playing

    Raymond Roy
    Me :)

    hmm if you don't see the video click refresh.
  • Posted June 5, 2013
    OMG that last boss!

    You must fight him three times!
    Make sure you have enough EGO perks unlocked, all of them would be good!

    Fight One:
    Perks to use, invisibility, sub machine gun, shield with high damage slow recharge (6 - 9.6 sends) will work. (small ammo boxes in the corners...really small) He is just using his super speed. In a big empty room. And not to hard to take him down.

    Then you think wow that wasn't to bad :) then comes round two :(

    Fight Two:
    Perks to use, invisibility, sub machine gun, spanner, the spanner this time needs to connect to more then one, a shield that is as fast as possible (2.7 - 3 seconds). You will have places to almost hide :) There will be from 4 to 12+ of him, remember he has every EGO power and can use them all at once. Go to a ammo box and just crouch next to it. When you see him spawn, throw a grenade his way. Then empty the sub-machine gun into one of him. When he gets close, use the spanner to drain his power, it will connect to all that are close.

    Once you hurt him just a little, he/them will go to the ledge above you. Run with the sub-machine gun, try to shoot as many as you can. (at least 4) When you shoot at them they will disappear. But all of them are going to throw damage charged swords at you, all at once, no place to hide. You just need to go invisible and run!

    Fight Three:
    Perks to use, damage, sub machine gun, grenade launcher (sticky), a shield that is as fast as possible (2.7 - 3 seconds). You will have a few small columns to hide behind, don't stay there he goes right through them. Only use them to get ammo, then run back to the center big column. Stay a few feet from the center, the second he comes through it, run to the other side! He will jump up and bast the ground twice, then jump up spin and send blasts all over the room. You can survive the first one, but your shield will gone, blast two will kill you. Get close to the center column when he jumps up, after his second or third blast, back up, switch to sub-machine gun, shoot and run! Switch to the grenade launcher turn fire, fire, fire, fire BOOM. Back to the sub-machine gun, keep running!

    When you hurt him, he will go inside the center column to start terraforming. Good time to run for ammo, stay up against the walls. If any of the terraforming pops up and hits you, your shield is gone. If it blasts you into another one you are dead! He is going to come out jump up and blow up the whole room! Full shield no problem, low or no shield your dead (no place to hide). Then start over doing the same thing, sub-machine gun, grenades, run, run run! He will die it just takes about 500 hits to do it!

    Now all your main missions are done! And no great bonus for taking him down!
  • Posted June 17, 2013
    Jim I thought you said they were dropping the skill part of the game LOL

    47 kills score 34191

    67 kills score 41788

    69 kills score 42926

    I got their at stage 3!!! Smoked them ALL!!!
    126 kills score 54465

    I even did a boring hell bug ark thing, LOL got bored of running the middle and did some killin! Should have just run around the middle!
    110 kills score 330903
  • Posted June 22, 2013
    lol I die, respond, drive back, start over and still got first place with the highest kills & score.

    Arkfalls are are so easy / boring. You can get 1st place every time :)

    71 kills score 1,582,275
  • Posted June 24, 2013
    Found the perfect place to get that 1080 on the quads :)

    Racing Pro finished :) imagine me finishing something with racing in it first! :P
  • Posted February 15, 2014
    Season DLC is great!

    This game really is the best one, always patching, fixing, changing per player requests :)

    Everything in your graphic's works on the highest settings! Sad to see a game like this & Sanctum make no money. When garbage games like Call of Duty make over one BILLION!
  • Posted May 23, 2014
    I can only say "A PWNING I WILL GO, A PWNING I WILL GO" :D

  • Posted October 3, 2016
    Defiance "Failed to update"

    It's a very easy fix :)
    Go here YOUR DRIVE LETTER:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Defiance\Glyph (run GlyphClient.exe)

    If are are using one hard drive and 64 bit system it should look like this
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Defiance\Glyph (run GlyphClient.exe)

    If you are using one hard drive and 32 bit system it should look like this.
    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Defiance\Glyph (run GlyphClient.exe)

    If you are using a custom location it can look anyway you want it! LOL
    I keep all my games on E drive.
    E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Defiance\Glyph (run GlyphClient.exe)

    After starting GlyphClient.exe it should update & start.

    If you have no idea where your steam folder is? Just search GlyphClient.exe and double click.