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Gaming - Computers - Consoles » Discussions » Call of Duty - Ghosts

  • Posted November 16, 2013

    MINIMUM System requirements MUST BE 64 bit system.
    ? gigs of ram, (lowered after the newest patch) 4 core or better CPU.
    40 gigs of free hard drive space (install is about 34 gigs)
    460GTX or higher video card, must be direct x 11.

    Well :) it is COD (AKA a cheaters paradise)

    But this one has ways to earn XP, without ever playing with cheaters!
    In the first week before the first patch. You could earn as much XP points
    playing squads, Squad vs Squad, Squads vs AI, Squad vs AI Wargames,
    Safeguard Squad vs AI survival. Now you will earn three times more XP playing
    in cheater games (Open Multiplayer) :(

    There are somethings you can't unlock unless you play in the open multiplayer
    games. So join, play look for the snap insta-kill cheaters, leave find another
    game. I have played about 15 open multiplayer games. And have only played 3
    with less then 4 cheaters. Not one yet without at least one cheater. But when
    the cheats are released 3 weeks before the game. lol What do you expect?

    First and formost the BEST thing about squads NO CHEATERS :)
    You get one player, you choose the default load-out then you use squad points to
    unlock and upgrade that player. Then you can unlock and customize each player in
    your squad, look, load-out, gender and color. Depending on which stock load-out you
    choose, is what the that squad member will be given. Any other weapons, perks, kill
    streaks you will need to buy with your earned squad points.

    You can also un-equip your secondary weapon, grenades, flash bangs and replace them
    with perks. I know people love the flash bangs, then no skill is needed to kill someone.
    But dead silence perk lasts the whole game, not just one kill :)

    If you have friends playing with you, they will replace your AI squad. You can set the
    order that your AI squad is replaced.

    Squad vs Squad
    You challenge another squad. Then it's may the best squad win :)
    In Squad vs Squad it can be one live person & 5 AI squad members.
    Or all live squad members :)

    Squad Assault
    Your squad plays against another AI squad. That squad can belong to anyone playing the
    game that has setup a squad. Your squad and the squad you play will both gain XP &
    squad points. So you can be earning XP & squad points in the game you're playing. And
    earning extra XP & squad points in another game where someone else is playing your squad.

    Squad Wargames
    Your squad plays against the call of duty ghosts AI. You set the level of the AI. Not as
    challenging as Squad Assault. But you still gain the same XP & squad points.

    Squads Safeguard
    In safeguard it is survival :) You can play you against AI, or up to 4 players vs AI.
    This one is really hard, each level of AI gets stronger, faster, better guns. You will
    get support drops and supply drops. You can only pick up 3 kill streak items, that is if
    you can make it to three. The best ones SENTRY GUNS! Stock them up and save them. You need
    them to kill the riot shield boys. On your supply drops you can tap the USE key to change what's
    in the box. Pick a good gun, tap for perks, double top for ammo.

    Private - Combat Training
    You don't earn any XP or squad points playing this. But everything is unlocked so it's a good place
    to test weapons and perks. Before you spend squad points buying something that doesn't work for you.

    My favorite Items


    Remington R5 Assault Rifle.
    ARX-160 Assault Rifle.
    FAD Assault Rifle.
    Honey Badger Assault Rifle.
    MTAR-X automatic sub-machinegun
    IA 2 Marksman semi-automatic rifle
    L115 Bolt action single shot sniper rifle.
    I.E.D. - Lethal

    Sleight of Hand.
    Quick Draw
    Dead Silence.
    ICU - 2% faster health
    Off the Grid.
    Blind Eye.
    Take down.
    Fully Loaded - Max ammo at load out.
    On the Go - Reload while running.
    2X hearing.
    Steady Aim.

    Game fixes :)

    Yes the game does run on SLI (two or more video cards)
    If you have an SLI system, leave the SLI enabled. Under Manage 3D settings,
    choose Program Settings, then iw6mp_ship.exe. Set SLI as single GPU, SLI
    solved works fine and still uses all gpu's.

    Video Lag
    If you're having video lag. Click Options, first click Optimal Video. Then got to
    Video Options, Advanced Video, Terrain Detail OFF
    That should fix any video lag. Found by Jaymz

    Internet Lag
    You will need to edit your multiplayer ping, by default it's set to max ping 800!
    Keep in mind this is a configuration file and could get you VAC BANNED. So
    change at your own risk. I didn't do it and won't unless they say they will NOT BAN
    you for doing it.
    The file can be found here:
    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Ghosts\players2\config_mp.cfg
    Or where ever your Steam games are installed. You can open the file with Notepad.
    Look for this line seta cl_maxPing "800" I wouldn't lower it too less then 100.

    Over all it's graphic's aren't the best, they lied about a new game engine, dedicated
    servers, unreal graphic's. So you will still get stuck playing on someones dam laptop
    hosting! But that really only happens in the open multiplayer or Squad vs Squad.
    Then no matter what you do the game will have mass lag :(

    But with it's problems it is still by far the best Call of Duty game!
    Just the fact that you are not forced to play with the normal COD cheaters!
    And can still rank up, gain squad points & XP.
  • Posted November 16, 2013
    Oh one more thing for Jim & Raymo :)

  • Posted November 18, 2013
    Bad news Jim :)

    Who ever said they weren't going to update the game for PC was just another cry baby.
    452.6 meg update/patch downloading right now. Told you they were smoking crack :)

    We are the lowest end of their sales, but it is still 3.3 million dollars.

    Know to see what the cry babies cry about know. :D
  • Posted November 19, 2013
    Well as far as I can see the only thing it fixed is the load time.
    Playing squads loads much faster.
    And I guess now you only need 4 gigs of ram on your laptop :(

    Terrain Detail still needs to be set to OFF.
    SLI still needs to be set to SINGLE GPU in the nvidia control panel.
    Max ping still set at 800

    I'm good with the faster loads between games! :)
  • Posted November 19, 2013

  • Posted November 19, 2013
    If you are looking for your games under Nvidia Experience and don't see them.
    Make sure you look under Preferences and it has the right install location for your games.
    All mine are installed in E:\Program Files\ (DON'T USE THE SETTINGS FOR GHOSTS)

    Settings for the new 331.85 nvidia drivers.
    Great news SLI WORKS! no more special settings!
    Under Manage 3D settings select the game iw6mp64_ship.exe
    use default or restore default.

    I use these settings in the game, between the games newest update/patch and the new drivers it looks great!

    Windowed (No Border)

    Aspect Ratio - Auto
    Screen Refresh Rate - 60hz
    Sync Every Frame - No
    Image Quality - Extra
    Depth of Field - Yes
    Screen Space Ambient Occlusion - Off
    Terrain Detail - Off
    Anisotropic Filtering - High
    Motion Blur - Yes
    Distortion - Yes
    Anti-aliasing - 4x MSAA
    Shadows - Yes
    Texture Quality - Automatic
  • Posted February 14, 2014
    LOL they are banning so many cheaters no one left to play with!

    Jim remember these guys? You know that warning that keeps popping up?
    Yesterday a new one popped up when the game started :)
    Aim exploit removed, view exploit removed....

    Game before this one - before their CHEATS were removed!
    Not Cheating - Legato kills 9 - deaths 22 caps 9
    Not Cheating - beast-usa kills 13 - deaths 28 caps 12
    Not Cheating - RDK Peterson kill 18 deaths 12 caps 1 (he camps & kills)
    Not Cheating - Recipe4Disaater kills 8 - deaths 17 caps 1

    Cheating - FACA Brazil kills 53 - deaths 4 caps 7
    Cheating - Blessings kills 33 - deaths 7 caps 8
    Cheating - Abu Ahmed Al Ku kills 28 - deaths 3 caps 2
    Chaeting - Xziblitz kills 28 - deaths 5 caps caps 1 (another camper & killer)
    Cheating - N3CROSCOP3 kills 20 - deaths 4 caps 0 (camps and kills)
    Cheating - Wolfwood Reyner kills 16 - deaths 5 caps 2
    Cheating - TR Kiffer kills 15 - deaths 7 caps 4
    Cheating - huanhuan kills 13 - deaths 2 caps 2

    Now look at their kills :) THEY SUCK! I guess it's true without cheats they can't play!
  • Posted February 15, 2014
    453 meg update today.

    So far has fixed nothing, maybe another 600 people will get banned :)

    SLI - still makes everything flicker.
    Squads - still only 2000 xp per game.
    Squad vs Squad - 2000 xp per game.
    Wargames - 2000 xp per games.

    Still the only way to gain XP Multiplayer or Safeguard

    Mutiplayer about 10,000 to 20,000 xp per game.
    Safeguard about 8,000 to 30,000 xp per game.

    I can't really see any changes except when doing your load outs.
    Still can't unlock anything unless you play multi-cheat :)

    But they have been banning about 400 to 500 people per day for cheating.
    The funny thing? In the steam forum all the cheaters always say "NO Body is cheating" :D
    It's Call of Duty of course it has cheaters!