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beast-usa (Admin)

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  • Posted October 3, 2014
    Seems to be a pretty fun game. Like COD a few cheaters :(

    Six real people on each team, then a much of AI bots fighting for each team. Nice big robots (TITANS) to battle in.
    Best way to take them down - RUSH AND PUNCH LOL

    Battlefield is still #1 for me, a few cheaters. But when you have 64 players and 2 or 3 cheaters, no big deal. With 12 players and even 1 cheater ruins the game.

    Playing with Jim today and a cheater posted "I only use the cheats when we are losing" :D Yep he is another fool raised under the "everyone is a winner" rule!

    But with no cheaters I can PWN them! LOL