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Political Discussions. From Around The World.


  • So after 10 days of counting 6,000,000+ mail-in ballots from the dead, from the same people over & over & over Biden is leading? Who knew? LOL
    Democrats and Liberals don't care about riots, cheating, child trafficking, people being killed and in other...  more
  • So even a DEMOCRAT Governor says the fraud in this election is out of hand.
    • beast-usa (Admin)
      spinny VIP so trump is not crazy?
    • beast-usa (Admin)
      beast-usa (Admin) I guess not Trump is seeing the cheating just like every other normal person.
      Only ones not seeing the cheating are the people doing it and die hard BD Biden fans. (BD = Brain Dead)
    Poll workers filling out ballots for Biden no wonder it took three days for him to pass Trump on votes.
  • Russians are voting in an election that is likely to return Vladimir Putin for a fourth term as president.

    Voting began in the Russian far-east at 20:00 GMT on Saturday, and opened in Moscow nine hours later. More than 100 million people are eligible to...  more
    Russia votes in presidential election
  • Well Trump is slimy and fires anyone that could get him in trouble. LOL But they are lucky the Clinton's (Trump's best friends for 40+ years along with Soros) Would be killing everyone!
    Fired FBI man 'gave notes to Russia probe'
  • During the opening of the 2018 Golden Globe Awards programme, host Seth Meyers toyed with the idea of a possible Oprah Winfrey presidential campaign. When Winfrey took the stage later that night, the speech she gave was no joke.
    There are reports...  more
    Is Oprah Winfrey running for president?
    • beast-usa (Admin) reacted on this.
    • beast-usa (Admin)
      spinny VIP the jokes get hillarious now !!!hahahahaha l
    • beast-usa (Admin)
      beast-usa (Admin) hehehe you can move to America and vote for her! You don't even need to be legal.
    • beast-usa (Admin)
      spinny VIP call all the bigfoots out of the forests lolololololol now we need them !!
    • beast-usa (Admin)
      spinny VIP i vote for the big foots to go for congress so!! iam sure they would vote to stop the deforestation -last chance before these maniacs cut all the trees down for their useless trashy nonsense glitter magazine for fotos of their fake faces
  • Happy As Is - News
    WOW: Ted Cruz Perfectly Predicted Trump’s Pelosi/Schumer Deal |
  • I really wish people WOULD READ!!!
    Trump's stupid tax WILL NOT INCLUDE Canada!!!
    So as I said yesterday and today about 100 times to the MASSIVELY UN-INFORMED TRUMPSTERS!
    The tax will either not get paid because companies have already said they would...  more