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Rock Harbor Church Prophecy Update 5-10-20

Digital Immunity Certificate and the “Lucifer - ase” Enzyme, I am Pastor Brandon Holthaus, and I want to welcome you to our Rock Harbor Church’s YouTube Chan...
Posted May 16, 2020 - Filed in Life
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  • spinny VIP
    Gary !! they vvill bring us into a cave lololololol as the neanderthals lolololol to me no problem lolol i could do some nice vvall paintings for the researchers of coming centuries lololol the only reason i vvould take a flight is to see my friends...  more
    Digital Immunity Certificate and the “Lucifer - ase” Enzyme, I am Pastor Brandon Holthaus, and I want to welcome you to our Rock Harbor Church’s YouTube Chan...
    • spinny VIP
      beast-usa (Admin) A few things I see wrong.
      1. He is on GOOGLE talking about bad people in tech?
      2. It's not 500,000,000, it's 3,000,000,000 billion people.
      3. They don't need to implant anything in most people. Most sleep with their dumb phones!
      4. He says "Google...  more
      • May 17, 2020
    • spinny VIP
      spinny VIP hahahahahaha i satill have not vvatched it -as i vvas out today in a stone masonery to pick up sand stone plates for some floors to built - but i vvill vvatch it knovv- but i must laugh about the title already - these ideas are so monstrous in relation...  more
    • spinny VIP
      spinny VIP in germany they yesterday published that there vvill be no forced mandatary vaccine- cause it does not fit in the ground lavv of the right to decide vvhat one does to his body - people can have it by free vvill if they decide to do so -as the normal flue...  more
    • spinny VIP
      spinny VIP this is the success of mister gates and microsoft in real - not mentioned by his VVHO friends nor solved vvith one cent of his billions he made by selling the stuff -so if he is concerned about peoples health he should start there !
      • May 17, 2020
    • spinny VIP
      beast-usa (Admin) You could travel if you had your own plane or spaceship! Then you won't get cancer going through the CANCER CAUSING scanners at the airport! Look up how many TSA workers end up with cancer it's crazy high. I would never stand next to one of those death...  more
    • spinny VIP
      spinny VIP Gary !! they vvill bring us into a cave lololololol as the neanderthals lolololol to me no problem lolol i could do some nice vvall paintings for the researchers of coming centuries lololol the only reason i vvould take a flight is to see my friends...  more
      • May 18, 2020