Boyhood is not a Mental Illness
Girls will just need to learn some day. Boys are just wild, they don't need drugs, therapy,
diagnosed or trained to be more feminine.
12 True & easy things to remember about men & boys.
#1 We love playing with fire.
#2 We love things that go BOOM.
#3 We love guns, all guns, any gun.
#4 We love driving everything fast!
#5 We love our favorite old shirts, pants, shoes.
#6 We are always hungry.
#7 We don't like being bossed (even when were wrong) Which of course is almost never lol
#8 We don't need urgent care, unless we are missing an arm or leg.
#9 We don't like foo foo things.
#10 We don't understand the word cute.
#11 We don't like or want to take a shower, bath, shave every 20 minutes.
#12 We can not read a girls mind - EVER. If it's in black & white right in front of us.
Most likely we still won't get it!
See how easy guys are
Great Story
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