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Top 12 GMO foods to avoid

Posted by John Woodruff VIP
Main Reasons I DO NOT support GMO Crops Effects on Humans: 1. Increase in allergies 2. Antibiotic resistance 3. Problem with endocrine system 4. Reproductive...
Posted February 7, 2018
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  • hahahahaha you would love it it would become your favorite cake !!
    Main Reasons I DO NOT support GMO Crops Effects on Humans: 1. Increase in allergies 2. Antibiotic resistance 3. Problem with endocrine system 4. Reproductive...
    • spinny VIP
      beast-usa (Admin) GRRRR THEY GMO MY HONEY!!! I don't eat any of the other things
      So Diet Coke "Aspartame" I drink it it kills all the germs!
      Then Honey I've only used honey most of my life instead of sugar and what she should have said is it's the white sugar...  more
    • spinny VIP
      Designer Anne (Admin) Watching this now! I know a lot about GMO & tons about cancer! My mom has cancer & I have done over 600hrs of research on natural health & cancer cures. The video, was surprised by zucchini & yellow squash. Even organic??
    • spinny VIP
      beast-usa (Admin) I don't each zucchini! LOL Got lucky!
    • spinny VIP
      spinny VIP next time i come to california i will make you a zuccini soufflet -hahaha and you even will not notice that you ate zuccini lololone can make delicious stuff out of these veggies and you wont believe the most delicious spice schoclat cake ever hahahahahahaha
    • spinny VIP
      beast-usa (Admin) LOL Trickster!
    • spinny VIP
      spinny VIP hahahahaha you would love it it would become your favorite cake !!