It was these naturopathic doctors who told the world about the danger of so – calledslags and toxins-substances that are contained in ordinary food and can poison thehuman body due to the fact that they are not able to digest, but can only accumulate inthe gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and joints. Since the 20s of the 20th century, many people periodically try to adhere to a slag-free diet, although classical dietologydenies "slags and toxins" in the sense in which they were represented by Shelton andBregg. Anyway, a slagless diet helps you lose weight, even if you do not take intoaccount the potential harm of "slags". The fact is that most "slagging the body" products are quite high in calories, so their exclusion makes sense, even if you do notbelieve in cleansing the body.
List of products for the slag-free diet.
For the convenience of fans of cleansing the body, there are several lists of productsthat can be consumed on a slag-free diet.
List 1. Food for cleansing cucumbers, zucchini, watercress, cabbage, sauerkraut, turnip, daikon, radish, parsley, dill, green onions, watermelons, melon (except cantaloupe), beets, carrots, berries, buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, millet, green lentils, low-fatdairy products, chamomile tea, karkade, green tea, clean water, St. John's wortextract, lemons, apples, pears, Grapefruits, oranges, peaches, pineapples.
All products from the first list should be grown in your area, and processed thermally"at a minimum". Most proponents of a slagless diet are monosyroeders – theyrecommend eating only one raw, unprocessed product at a time. In any case, even ifyou are cooking, you should not mix dairy products with anything other than fruit, andyou should eat melon and watermelon separately from the rest of the food.
List 2. Food neutral baked Potatoes, fresh fish, shrimp, squid, poultry, veal, freshoctopus, tomatoes (some, at the same time, do not recommend eating them at all), garlic, corn, red beans, red lentils, whole grain pasta, chicory drink, industrial bran, wheat porridge, oatmeal porridge, semolina, honey.
All other food, including coffee, black tea, cigarettes, and alcohol of any kind, isprohibited on a slagless diet, the use of which not only poisons the body, but also leadsto obesity.
A slack-free diet is not a short-term diet for weight loss, but a lifestyle. Bregg andShelton demanded that their followers not only eat food exclusively on the list, but alsorefuse such "benefits of civilization" as semi-finished products of all kinds, frozen foods. Modern fans of slag-free diets insist that food is prepared only on fire, and not in themicrowave oven. It is also necessary to monitor the seasonings that are used in food. You should give up any "factory" mixes, and add only herbs, sea salt and garlic to yourfood.
Perhaps, the slack-free diet is the most difficult of the existing diets for weight loss. After all, you will have to sweat even at the stage of purchasing products. Most modernfood products are produced according to principles that contradict the idea of a slag-free diet. In the process of growing vegetables and fruits, various synthetic fertilizersare used, animals are fed with special additives to enhance growth, and fruits areprocessed with wax so that they are better preserved. Ideally, proponents of a slag-free diet should grow their own vegetables and grains with their own hands. This is theonly way to be completely sure that the food is organic and does not contain syntheticsubstances. But to refuse, for example, chips, snacks, cocktails and" factory " bakingunder the power of most modern people. And these simple steps can work wonderswith the figure.
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Important: consult your doctor before starting a slack-free diet.