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Gun Control and Venezuela

Posted by CC1776 - Please donate to help us make more! - dondate here if you prefer to use paypal! http:...
Posted November 7, 2019
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  • beast-usa (Admin)
    beast-usa (Admin) commented on CC1776's video.
    Gun control laws are just plain silly in nature you need to be a moron to think they would ever work.
    People that obey the law will always obey the law.
    CRIMINALS don't a crap about any laws. Unless they only obey gun laws? LOL
    The only reason the...  more - Please donate to help us make more! - dondate here if you prefer to use paypal! http:...
    • beast-usa (Admin) reacted on this.
    • beast-usa (Admin)
      beast-usa (Admin) Gun control laws are just plain silly in nature you need to be a moron to think they would ever work.
      People that obey the law will always obey the law.
      CRIMINALS don't a crap about any laws. Unless they only obey gun laws? LOL
      The only reason the...  more
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